A lens-based ST20 emulator
by Etienne Millon on August 20, 2015
Tagged as: haskell, emulator, lenses.
Every year, as part of the SSTIC conference, there is a forensics/reverse engineering challenge. I participated in the 2015 edition. Though I did not manage to complete it, I made an emulator for the exotic ST20 architecture, which is probably worth describing here.
Note that this emulator is not really optimized for pure speed. In the actual challenge I actually had to rewrite it as pure Haskell (i.e., removing the emulation part) so that it was faster. Instead, the goal of this article is to show a few techniques to write powerful emulators in Haskell.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Lens hiding (imap, op)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
import Numeric
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
The evaluation monad
This program uses Template Haskell to define lenses, so unfortunately we need to start with a few type definitions.
The ST20’s memory goes from 0x80000000
to 0x7fffffff
type Address = Int32
We’ll represent the memory using a map. The performance is surprisingly close to
that of an array. It is possible to get significantly speeds up memory access by
using an IOUArray
but it turns loads and stores become monadic operations and
makes it impossible to use lenses.
type Mem = M.Map Address Word8
As we’ll see, transputers (hardware threads) can communicate together. We’ll be able to connect it either between them, or to a tty.
data IChannel = InChan (Chan Word8)
| InHandle Handle
data OChannel = OutChan (Chan Word8)
| OutHandle Handle
type IChannelMap = [(Int32, IChannel)]
type OChannelMap = [(Int32, OChannel)]
All evaluations take place in a Eval
Monad which is a monad transformer stack
with the following capabilities:
- read and write an
value; - read an
value - do some I/O.
newtype Eval a = Eval (RWST EvalEnv () EvalState IO a)
deriving ( Functor
, MonadIO
, MonadReader EvalEnv
, MonadState EvalState
data EvalEnv =
envInChans :: IChannelMap
{ envOutChans :: OChannelMap
data EvalState =
_iptr :: !Address
{ _intStack :: [Int32]
, _wptr :: !Int32
, _mem :: !Mem
}$(makeLenses ''EvalState)
runEval :: Mem -> IChannelMap -> OChannelMap -> Eval a -> IO a
Eval m) =
runEval memory imap omap (fst <$> evalRWST m env st
= EvalEnv imap omap
env =
st EvalState
= memStart
{ _iptr = []
, _intStack = 0xaaaaaaaa
, _wptr = memory
, _mem }
The above $(...)
is a Template Haskell splice. It creates lenses based on
the record declaration of EvalState
. Lenses are a very powerful tool that
makes it possible to compose record reads and updates in a functional way. Here,
it defines a lens for each record field; for example, the splice expands to a
top-level declaration iptr :: Lens' EvalState Address
. But we will define our
own lenses too, and everything will remain composable.
This is naturally adapted to byte access:
memByteOpt :: Address -> Lens' EvalState (Maybe Word8)
memByteOpt addr . at addr mem
See? We composed the mem
lens (between an evaluation state and a memory state) with at addr
, which is a lens between a memory state and the value at address addr
Well, not exactly: at
actually returns a Maybe Word8
. We will assume that
all memory accesses will succeed, so we want a lens that returns a plain
. To achieve this, we can compose with a lens that treats Maybe a
as a
container of a
maybeLens :: Lens' (Maybe a) a
= lens fromJust (const Just)
memByte :: Address -> Lens' EvalState Word8
memByte addr . maybeLens memByteOpt addr
Sometimes we will also need to access memory word by word. To achieve that, we first define conversion functions.
bytesToWord :: (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8) -> Int32
bytesToWord (b0, b1, b2, b3) sum [ fromIntegral b0
fromIntegral b1 `shiftL` 8
, fromIntegral b2 `shiftL` 16
, fromIntegral b3 `shiftL` 24
wordToBytes :: Int32 -> (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
wordToBytes w
(b0, b1, b2, b3)where
= fromIntegral $ w .&. 0x000000ff
b0 = fromIntegral $ (w .&. 0x0000ff00) `shiftR` 8
b1 = fromIntegral $ (w .&. 0x00ff0000) `shiftR` 16
b2 = fromIntegral $ (w .&. 0xff000000) `shiftR` 24 b3
Then, we can define a lens focusing on a 32-bit value.
compose :: [a -> a] -> a -> a
= foldr (.) id
get32 :: Address -> EvalState -> Int32
get32 base s
bytesToWord (b0, b1, b2, b3)where
= s ^. memByte base
b0 = s ^. memByte (base + 1)
b1 = s ^. memByte (base + 2)
b2 = s ^. memByte (base + 3)
set32 :: Address -> EvalState -> Int32 -> EvalState
set32 base s v
[ set (memByte base) b0+ 1)) b1
, set (memByte (base + 2)) b2
, set (memByte (base + 3)) b3
, set (memByte (base
] swhere
= wordToBytes v
(b0, b1, b2, b3)
memWord :: Address -> Lens' EvalState Int32
= lens (get32 addr) (set32 addr) memWord addr
The instruction set reference defines a handy operator to shift an address by a word offset:
(@@) :: Address -> Int32 -> Address
@@ n = a + 4 * n a
It will be also handy to access the memory in list chunks:
mem8s :: Address -> Int32 -> Lens' EvalState [Word8]
= lens getList setList
mem8s base len where
getList s map (\ off -> s ^. memByte (base + off)) [0 .. len - 1]
setList s0 ws zipWith (\ off w -> set (memByte (base + off)) w) [0..] ws) s0 compose (
Instruction decoding
Instructions are usually encoded on a single byte: the opcode is in the first nibble, and a parameter is in the second one. For example this is how a LDC (load constant) is encoded:
.--- 0x40 LDC
|.--- 0x5
0x45 LDC 0x5
This only works for 4-bytes constants. To load bigger constants, there is a “prefix” operation that will shift the current operand:
.-------- 0x20 PFX
|.-------- 0x2
|| .--- 0x40 LDC
|| |.--- 0x5
|| ||
0x22 0x45 LDC 0x25
Those are chainable; for example 0x21 0x22 0x45
encodes LDC 0x125
Another prefix shifts and complements the current operand value:
.-------- 0x60 NFX
|.-------- 0x2
|| .--- 0x40 LDC
|| |.--- 0x5
|| ||
0x62 0x45 LDC (~0x25)
The ST20 architecture actually provides two type of instructions:
- “primary” instructions such as
. Their operand is directly encoded. - “secondary” instructions such as
(equivalent toLDC 0x80000000
). They do not have operands. On the contrary, they are actually a special case of the first type, using a specialOPR n
opcode. For example,MINT
isOPR 0x42
, which is encoded using0x24 0xF2
We know enough to draft an instruction decoder.
data PInstr = AJW | ADC
| CJ | J
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data SInstr = PROD | MINT | GAJW
| LB | XOR | SB
| GTx | WSUB | AND
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Instr = Pri PInstr Int32
| Sec SInstr
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Instr where
show (Pri p n) = show p ++ " " ++ show n
show (Sec s) = show s
Instruction decoding will need to move within the instruction stream, so it is part of the evaluation monad.
decodeInstr :: Eval Instr
= decodeInstr_ 0
decodeInstr_ :: Int32 -> Eval Instr
= do
decodeInstr_ acc <- peekAndIncr
b let acc' = acc + fromIntegral (b .&. 0xf)
case () of
| b <= 0x0f -> return $ Pri J acc'
_ | b <= 0x1f -> return $ Pri LDLP acc'
_ | b <= 0x2f -> decodeInstr_ $ acc' `shiftL` 4
_ | b <= 0x3f -> return $ Pri LDNL acc'
_ | b <= 0x4f -> return $ Pri LDC acc'
_ | b <= 0x5f -> return $ Pri LDNLP acc'
_ | b <= 0x6f -> decodeInstr_ $ complement acc' `shiftL` 4
_ | b <= 0x7f -> return $ Pri LDL acc'
_ | b <= 0x8f -> return $ Pri ADC acc'
_ | b <= 0x9f -> return $ Pri CALL acc'
_ | b <= 0xaf -> return $ Pri CJ acc'
_ | b <= 0xbf -> return $ Pri AJW acc'
_ | b <= 0xcf -> return $ Pri EQC acc'
_ | b <= 0xdf -> return $ Pri STL acc'
_ | b <= 0xef -> return $ Pri STNL acc'
_ -> return $ Sec $ parseSecondary acc'
peekAndIncr :: Eval Word8
= do
peekAndIncr <- use iptr
addr <- use (memByte addr)
b += 1
iptr return b
parseSecondary :: Int32 -> SInstr
0x01 = LB
parseSecondary 0x02 = BSUB
parseSecondary 0x06 = GCALL
parseSecondary 0x07 = IN
parseSecondary 0x08 = PROD
parseSecondary 0x09 = GTx
parseSecondary 0x0a = WSUB
parseSecondary 0x0b = OUT
parseSecondary 0x1b = LDPI
parseSecondary 0x1f = REM
parseSecondary 0x20 = RET
parseSecondary 0x33 = XOR
parseSecondary 0x3b = SB
parseSecondary 0x3c = GAJW
parseSecondary 0x40 = SHR
parseSecondary 0x41 = SHL
parseSecondary 0x42 = MINT
parseSecondary 0x46 = AND
parseSecondary 0x5a = DUP
parseSecondary 0xc1 = SSUB
parseSecondary = error $ "Unknown secondary 0x" ++ showHex b "" parseSecondary b
The two stacks
Data is manipulated using two different mechanisms: the integer stack and the workspace.
The integer stack is a set of three registers: A
, B
, and C
, which can be
used as a stack using these operations. Actually, it can only be manipulated
through push and pop operations, so we represent this using a list.
The instruction set reference says that an undefined value will be popped if the stack is empty; here we consider that this will not happen, and allow a partial pattern matching.
pushInt :: Int32 -> Eval ()
pushInt n %= (n:)
popInt :: Eval Int32
= do
popInt :t) <- use intStack
(h.= t
intStack return h
popAll :: Eval (Int32, Int32, Int32)
= do
popAll <- popInt
a <- popInt
b <- popInt
c return (a, b, c)
Only the head (A
) can be directly accessed, so we first define a lens between
a list and its head, and compose it with intStack
headLens :: Lens' [a] a
= lens head $ \ l x -> x:tail l
areg :: Lens' EvalState Int32
= intStack . headLens areg
The workspace is a place in memory (pointed to by a register wptr
) where local
variables can be stored and loaded, a bit like a stack pointer. We first define
push and pop operations.
pushWorkspace :: Int32 -> Eval ()
= do
pushWorkspace value -= 4
wptr 0 .= value
popWorkspace :: Eval Int32
= do
popWorkspace <- use $ var 0
w += 4
wptr return w
Then we define a lens to focus on a variable.
var :: Int32 -> Lens' EvalState Int32
var n
lens getVar setVarwhere
= memWord ((s ^. wptr) @@ n)
varLens s = s ^. varLens s
getVar s = set (varLens s) v s setVar s v
Input and output
The main particularity of the ST20 architecture is that it has hardware support
of message channels. They map fairly naturally to Control.Concurrent.Chan
channels. Each ST20 thread will have a map from channel numbers to input or
output channels:
getXChan :: (EvalEnv -> [(Int32, a)]) -> Int32 -> EvalEnv -> a
getXChan member w st $ lookup w $ member st
getIChan :: Int32 -> EvalEnv -> IChannel
= getXChan envInChans
getOChan :: Int32 -> EvalEnv -> OChannel
= getXChan envOutChans getOChan
And these channels can be either a Chan Word8
or a plain Handle
, to connect
a thread to the process’ standard input and output.
readFromIChan :: IChannel -> Int32 -> Eval [Word8]
InChan chan) n =
readFromIChan ($ mapM (\ _ -> readChan chan) [1..n]
liftIO InHandle h) n =
readFromIChan ($ do
liftIO <- BS.hGet h $ fromIntegral n
bs return $ BS.unpack bs
writeToOChan :: OChannel -> [Word8] -> Eval ()
OutChan chan) ws =
writeToOChan ($ writeList2Chan chan ws
liftIO OutHandle h) ws =
writeToOChan ($ do
liftIO $ BS.pack ws
BS.hPutStr h hFlush h
A few combinators
We first define a few combinators that will help us define the interpret
Pop two operands, and push the result:
liftOp :: (Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32) -> Eval ()
= do
liftOp op <- popInt
a <- popInt
b $ op a b pushInt
Exchange two registers:
xchg :: Lens' EvalState Int32 -> Lens' EvalState Int32 -> Eval ()
= do
xchg l1 l2 <- use l1
x1 <- use l2
x2 .= x2
l1 .= x1 l2
Convert a boolean to an integer:
fromBool :: Bool -> Int32
False = 0
fromBool True = 1 fromBool
The interpret
The core of the interpreter is the following function. It takes an instruction
and transforms it into a monadic action in Eval
interpret :: Instr -> Eval ()
Some cases are very simple.
Pri AJW n) = wptr += 4 * n
interpret (Pri LDNLP n) = areg += 4 * n
interpret (Pri J n) = iptr += n
interpret (Pri LDC n) = pushInt n
interpret (Sec MINT) = pushInt 0x80000000
interpret (Sec GAJW) = xchg areg wptr
interpret (Sec GCALL) = xchg areg iptr
interpret (Pri ADC n) = areg += n
interpret (Pri EQC n) = areg %= (\ a -> fromBool $ a == n) interpret (
For some others, we can lift them into the host language and use Haskell operations.
Sec PROD) = liftOp (*)
interpret (Sec XOR) = liftOp xor
interpret (Sec AND) = liftOp (.&.)
interpret (Sec BSUB) = liftOp (+)
interpret (Sec SSUB) = liftOp $ \ a b -> a + 2 * b
interpret (Sec WSUB) = liftOp (@@)
interpret (Sec GTx) = liftOp $ \ a b -> fromBool $ b > a
interpret (Sec SHR) = liftOp $ \ a b -> b `shiftR` fromIntegral a
interpret (Sec SHL) = liftOp $ \ a b -> b `shiftL` fromIntegral a
interpret (Sec REM) = liftOp $ \ a b -> b `mod` a interpret (
Others need a few operations to prepare the operands and access memory.
Sec SB) = do
interpret (<- popInt
a <- popInt
b .= fromIntegral b
memByte a Sec DUP) = do
interpret (<- popInt
pushInt a
pushInt aPri STL n) = do
interpret (<- popInt
v .= v
var n Pri LDLP n) = do
interpret (<- use wptr
v $ v @@ n
pushInt Pri LDL n) = do
interpret (<- use $ var n
pushInt vSec LDPI) = do
interpret (<- use iptr
ip += ip
areg Pri CJ n) = do
interpret (<- popInt
a let d = if a == 0 then n else 0
+= d
iptr Sec LB) = do
interpret (<- use areg
a <- fromIntegral <$> use (memByte a)
a' .= a'
areg Pri STNL n) = do
interpret (<- popInt
a <- popInt
b @@ n) .= b
memWord (a Pri LDNL n) = do
interpret (<- use areg
a <- use $ memWord $ a @@ n
a' .= a' areg
Call and return instructions use the workspace to pass arguments.
Pri CALL n) = do
interpret (<- popAll
(a, b, c)
pushWorkspace c
pushWorkspace b
pushWorkspace a<- use iptr
pushWorkspace ip.= ip
areg += n
iptr Sec RET) = do
interpret (<- popWorkspace
newIp <- popWorkspace
_ <- popWorkspace
_ <- popWorkspace
_ .= newIp iptr
To perform I/O, the calling transputer needs to supply three things in the int stack:
- the number of bytes to transfer;
- a pointer to a channel;
- where to read or write the message.
The channel itself is abstracted in the transputer’s channel maps. Most reads succeed; however the first transputer’s channel 0 will read directly from a file, so it will reach end of file at some time. We can detect that when an empty list is read, and exit the process.
Sec OUT) = do
interpret (<- popAll
(len, pChan, pMsg) <- use $ mem8s pMsg len
message <- asks $ getOChan pChan
writeToOChan chan messageSec IN) = do
interpret (<- popAll
(len, pChan, pMsg) <- asks $ getIChan pChan
chan <- readFromIChan chan len
input null input) $ liftIO exitSuccess
when (fromIntegral $ length input) .= input mem8s pMsg (
The core of the interpreter is then very simple:
evalLoop :: Eval ()
= do
evalLoop <- decodeInstr
interpret i evalLoop
Boot from link
Several things are missing: the memory map, and how the system boots.
It turns out that the ST20 has a very simple boot protocol:
- read 1 byte from port 0, call it
- read
bytes from port 0 - store those at
- set the workspace just after this memory chunk
- jump to
bootSeq :: Eval ()
= do
bootSeq <- asks $ getIChan $ iPin 0
chan <- head <$> readFromIChan chan 1
len <- readFromIChan chan $ fromIntegral len
prog fromIntegral $ length prog) .= prog
mem8s memStart (.= memStart + fromIntegral len wptr
There’s some flexibility on memStart
, but this value works:
memStart :: Address
= 0x80000100 memStart
Pin numbers, however, are mapped to fixed address:
iPin :: Int32 -> Int32
= 0x80000010 @@ n
iPin n
oPin :: Int32 -> Int32
= 0x80000000 @@ n oPin n
We decide to initialize the memory with zeroes:
initialMem :: Mem
initialMem $ zip [0x80000000 .. memEnd] $ repeat 0
M.fromList where
= 0x4000
memSize = memStart + memSize - 1 memEnd
Booting a transputer is then just a matter of reading from the correct channel and doing the rest of the evaluation loop.
transputer :: Maybe Analysis
-> [((Int32, IChannel), (Int32, OChannel))]
-> IO (MVar ())
= do
transputer analysis cmap let (imap, omap) = unzip cmap
$ runEval initialMem imap omap $ do
runAnalysis analysis evalLoop
Multithreading boilerplate
If you fork threads and don’t wait for them, nothing will happen since the main
thread will just exit. The solution is to create a “control” MVar
that will be
signalled to by each thread:
fork :: IO () -> IO (MVar ())
= do
fork io <- newEmptyMVar
mvar <- forkFinally io $ \ _ -> putMVar mvar ()
_ return mvar
And to wait for all of them:
runAll :: [IO (MVar ())] -> IO ()
= do
runAll ms <- sequence ms
threads mapM_ takeMVar threads
Connecting the lines
For this problem we have 13 transputers.
data TransputerName = T00 | T01 | T02 | T03
| T04 | T05 | T06 | T07
| T08 | T09 | T10 | T11
| T12
deriving (Enum, Eq)
We devise a way to connect them together. The communication between two
transputers is bidirectional, so we need two channels. Each of them is converted
to an OChannel
on one side and an IChannel
on the other one.
connect :: TransputerName -> Int32
-> TransputerName -> Int32
-> IO [(TransputerName, Int32, OChannel, IChannel)]
= do
connect src srcPort dst dstPort <- newChan
x <- newChan
y return [ (src, srcPort, OutChan x, InChan y)
OutChan y, InChan x)
, (dst, dstPort, ]
Booting them is a matter of creating the correct communication channels (this pinout list comes from a schematic that was present in the challenge files).
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- concat <$> sequence
pins T00 1 T01 0
[ connect T00 2 T02 0
, connect T00 3 T03 0
, connect T01 1 T04 0
, connect T01 2 T05 0
, connect T01 3 T06 0
, connect T02 1 T07 0
, connect T02 2 T08 0
, connect T02 3 T09 0
, connect T03 1 T10 0
, connect T03 2 T11 0
, connect T03 3 T12 0
, connect T11 1 T12 1
, connect
]$ map (buildTransputer pins) [T00 ..]
runAll where
buildTransputer pins t $ onlyFor t pins ++ extraPins t
transputer (isDebug t) = ((iPin n, ichan), (oPin n, ochan))
pin n ochan ichan = [pin p oc ic | (name, p, oc, ic) <- l, name == src]
onlyFor src l T00 = [((iPin 0, InHandle stdin), (oPin 0, OutHandle stdout))]
extraPins = [] extraPins _
Bonus: static analysis tools
The above transputer
function is controlled by the following configuration:
data Analysis = Graph | Disasm
isDebug :: TransputerName -> Maybe Analysis
= Nothing isDebug _
It means that for each transputer, we can choose to print a graph or a disassembly of the code that will be executed. To do that, we will first compute the set of all edges in the control flow graph.
This analysis relies on a nextInstr
function that statically computes the set
of next instructions. These can be reached either because it’s the next
one in the instruction flow (DSeq
), because of jump (DJmp
), or an unknown
destination, for example after a RET
data Dest = DSeq Address
| DJmp Address
| DDyn
deriving (Eq, Ord)
nextInstrs :: Instr -> [Dest]
Pri CJ n) = [DSeq 0, DJmp n]
nextInstrs (Pri J n) = [DJmp n]
nextInstrs (Pri CALL n) = [DSeq 0, DJmp n]
nextInstrs (Sec GCALL) = [DDyn]
nextInstrs (Sec RET) = [DDyn]
nextInstrs (= [DSeq 0] nextInstrs _
We can wrap this function in a monadic one that can turn these relative addresses into absolute ones (since it can know the addresses of functions).
type EdgeSet = S.Set (Address, Instr, Dest)
instrDests :: Address -> Eval EdgeSet
= do
instrDests start .= start
iptr <- decodeInstr
i let deltaips = nextInstrs i
<- use iptr
new return $ S.fromList $ map (\ d -> (start, i, adjust new d)) deltaips
DSeq d) = DSeq $ n + d
adjust n (DJmp d) = DJmp $ n + d
adjust n (DDyn = DDyn adjust _
Then, the algorithm consists in computing the fixpoint of the following iterating function:
step :: EdgeSet -> Eval EdgeSet
= do
step s <- mapM (basicBlockM . getDest) $ S.toList s
xs return $ S.union s $ S.unions xs
DSeq a) = Just a
getDest (_, _, DJmp a) = Just a
getDest (_, _, DDyn) = Nothing
getDest (_, _, Just a) = instrDests a
basicBlockM (Nothing = return S.empty basicBlockM
The fixpoint itself is computed using the following function, which takes a
predicate on two EdgeSet
s to stop the iteration.
stepUntil :: ((EdgeSet, EdgeSet) -> Bool) -> (EdgeSet, EdgeSet) -> Eval EdgeSet
| p (a, b) = return b
stepUntil p (a, b) = do
stepUntil p (_, b) <- step b
c stepUntil p (b, c)
We’ll stop when their size is equal.
runAnalysis :: Maybe Analysis -> Eval ()
Nothing = return ()
runAnalysis Just analysis) = do
runAnalysis (<- instrDests memStart
s0 let p (a, b) = S.size a == S.size b
<- stepUntil p (S.empty, s0)
r $ putStrLn $ convert analysis r
liftIO .= memStart iptr
Finally, here is how to convert the EdgeSet
s in a human-readable form.
convert :: Analysis -> EdgeSet -> String
Graph es =
convert "digraph G{\n"
++ "node[shape=point]\n"
++ concatMap edge (S.toList es)
++ "}"
= show x ++ " -> " ++ toNode x y ++ "[label=\"" ++ show i ++ "\"];\n"
edge (x, i, y) DSeq a) = show a
toNode _ (DJmp a) = show a
toNode _ (DDyn = "dyn" ++ show x
toNode x Disasm es = concatMap go $ S.toList es
convert where
DSeq _) =
go (x, i, "%04x %s\n" x (show i)
printf DJmp y) =
go (x, i, "%04x %s [* %04x]\n" x (show i) y
printf DDyn) =
go (x, i, "%04x %s [* dyn]\n" x (show i) printf
For example here is an extract of the beginning of the first transputer. You can notice instructions with several destinations (conditional jumps) are displayed twice.
80000100 AJW -76
80000102 LDC 0
80000103 STL 1
80000104 LDC 0
80000105 STL 3
80000106 MINT
80000108 LDNLP 1024
8000010b GAJW
8000010d AJW -76
8000010f LDC 201
80000111 LDPI
80000113 MINT
80000115 LDC 8
80000116 OUT
80000117 LDLP 73
80000119 MINT
8000011b LDNLP 4
8000011c LDC 12
8000011d IN
8000011e LDL 73
80000120 CJ 21
80000120 CJ 21 [* 80000137]
80000122 LDC 205
80000124 LDPI
For the graph output, I assume that you have already seen graphviz output:
The introduction image was done using the same output but an alternative layout engines.
Hope you enjoyed this article!